Troop 39 scouts contributed to the betterment of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro community via many community service and conservation projects over the last year. We want to especially note the work of our scout-organized and led Eagle projects. In the 2022-2023 scout/school year, projects included:
- Planting trees and improving landscaping at Anderson Park (Jun 2022)
- Replacing a boardwalk/bridge in the Carolina North Forest (Nov 2022)
- Designing, constructing, and building tables for Transplanting Traditions a local community organization that helps refugee farmers (Dec 22)
- Trail improvements and a kiosk for the Carrboro High School cross-country trail (Dec 22)
- Refurbishing the softball batting cage and bullpen at Carrboro High School (Feb 23)
- Designing and building a footbridge at Parker Preserve for the North Carolina Botanical Gardens (May 23)