Outdoor Ethics Guide

Outdoor Ethics Guide

  • Appointed by Senior Patrol Leader
  • This position replaces the Leave No Trace Trainer Position
  • The Outdoor Ethics Guide helps the Troop plan and conduct an outdoor program that emphasizes effectively practicing the principles of outdoor ethics. The Guide works to help Scouts improve their outdoor ethics decision making skills to help minimize impacts as they participate in outdoor activities
  • The principles are laid out in the Outdoor Code, the Leave No Trace Principles, and the Tread Lightly! Principles.



  1. Explain and Demonstrate Advancement Requirements
  2. Help Your Unit Plan and Conduct an Effective Outdoor Ethics Program
  3. Prepare Den Chiefs to Share Principles
  4. Help Scouts to Understand and Plan Conservation Activities
  5. Encourage Scouts to Complete Outdoor Ethics Awards and Merit Badges
  6. Complete Self-Evaluation
  7. Attend at least 75% of troop events
  8. Sets a good example
  9. Wears the designated full uniform to all Troop activities
  10. Shows Scout Spirit

Outdoor Ethics Guide Handbook