Troop Basics


Annual Dues

The annual dues are set by the Troop Committee each year and are due by September 30th.  For those crossing over from Cub Scouting in February, the dues are due to the troop within one month of crossing over. 

These funds are used for chartering expenses, the purchase of gas for troop trips, van rentals, awards and advancement supplies, patrol equipment, Courts of Honor expenses, some leadership training, and other miscellaneous administrative expenses. Dues should be paid online by the end of September of each new scouting year, or upon joining for new Scouts. The more successful our fundraising activities, the less we are charged for dues.

Troop 39 is committed to providing financial assistance to Scouts and families for which dues and other expenses represent a financial hardship. Scholarship information can be obtained from the troop committee chairperson or by contacting the troop treasurer.

Troop Communication

To be properly informed, Troop 39 has adopted three methods for communication:

  1. Patrol Communication Method

    Patrol Leaders will notify patrol members by phone tree when important information needs to be disseminated immediately. Traditionally, this is primarily used when the troop will return more than 30 minutes after the scheduled return time from an activity or trip. The Senior Patrol Leader
    or designate will phone his parent. That parent will contact each patrol leader’s parent or designate, who in turn calls each member of the patrol. One adult leader’s spouse will contact each affected leader’s spouse as needed. When in doubt about what is expected, contact your Patrol Leader first.

  2. The troop website

    The troop maintains a members website at It is updated frequently and often within hours of receiving information. 

    Scouts & parents can find copies of most troop printed resources
    to download, announcements or changes to troop activities, information and resources for advancement and merit badges, and notes and photos from various trips.

  3. Email and Troop Google email groups
    Please join our Google group to receive email updates on schedules, news, etc. Visit the site, find the “Contact Us” tab to join the different email lists.  Individual lists are available for general troop families & supporters, adult leaders, junior leaders, the troop committee, and Eagle Scout Mentors. List subscribers can send a note to one central address and reach each member of the group. This prevents each family or leader from updating an ever-changing personal address book as subscribers manage their own accounts.

Trip/Activity Transportation

Troop 39 will use a variety of transportation options to insure that our Scouts are safe when being transported to and from any and all troop trips.

The Troop Committee budgets a certain amount each year to cover transportation. These funds are raised for the troop through fundraisers and partially through Troop Dues.

Each personal vehicle used must have seat belts for each passenger. Parents driving other Scouts, even to and from meetings, accept liability on their personal insurance.