Troop 39 scouts contributed to the betterment of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro community via many community service and conservation
projects over the last year. We want to especially note the work of our scout-organized and led Eagle projects. In the 2023-2024 scout/school
year, projects included:
- Constructing planters and re-finishing a bench for a local non-profit restaurant in Raleigh called A Place at the Table (Aug 23)
- Replacing a trail bridge at Carolina North (Sep 24)
- Removing an old farm shed and creating a trail kiosk at Carolina North (Oct 24)
- Building a trail bridge at Carolina North (May 24)
- Revamping the garden at Mary Scroggs Elementary School in Chapel Hill (Jun 24)
- Constructing 500 feet of (gravel) paved trails at Jubilee Healing Farm (Jun 24)
- Creating benches, and a meditative stone-raking area at the North Carolina School for Science and Math (Jul 24)
- Creating a computer/gaming center room at the Chapel Hill Community Center (Jul 24)
- Creating a plastics recycling center for the The Hindu Society of North Carolina to reduce plastic waste (Aug 24)